What are Bifacial Solar Panels?
Bifacial solar panels are photovoltaic modules that have the capability to capture sunlight on both the front and rear sides. The front side functions like a conventional solar panel, absorbing direct sunlight. Meanwhile, the rear side captures reflected light from the ground and other surfaces. This design maximizes the utilization of available sunlight, leading to higher energy yields.
How Do Bifacial Solar Panels Work?
The working principle of bifacial solar panels revolves around their unique structure and materials. These panels are typically made with bifacial cells, which are either monocrystalline or polycrystalline. The cells are embedded in a transparent backing material such as glass, allowing sunlight to pass through to the rear side. When sunlight hits the front of the panel, it is absorbed and converted into electricity. Simultaneously, any light that passes through or reflects off surfaces below the panel is captured by the rear side, adding to the overall energy output.
Advantages of Bifacial Solar Panels
Increased Energy Output: The most significant advantage of bifacial solar panels is their ability to generate more electricity compared to traditional panels. Depending on installation conditions, bifacial panels can produce 10-30% more energy.
Better Performance in Low-Light Conditions: Bifacial panels are more efficient in capturing diffuse light, which means they perform better on cloudy days or during early morning and late afternoon.
Durability and Longevity: With glass-on-glass designs, bifacial panels are more robust and less prone to micro-cracks and potential environmental damage, leading to a longer lifespan.
Flexible Installation: Bifacial panels can be installed in a variety of orientations, including vertical installations on fences or building facades, and horizontal installations on rooftops or ground mounts. This flexibility allows for creative solutions in space-constrained environments.
Category: Products and gadgets
Views: 84
18/07/2024 10:02 AM